VegNews Is Back! Win Tickets to the Launch Parties in San Francisco, LA, or NYC!


VegNews Magazine has a brief hiatus but now they’re back in action, and I can’t wait to get my hot little hands on a copy of the issue. (FYI: I share all the best vegan things to do in Los Angeles in the issue and it’s incredibly delicious so maybe buy all the copies?)

To celebrate, they’re having parties in San Francisco (a tiki bash on Sept. 5), Los Angeles (a Mexicali fiesta on Sept. 11), and New York City (a comfort food shindig on Sept. 16!). If you are in or near any of those cities and want to win a pair of tickets to the parties, please comment below with your name and the city you want to go to the party in and also maybe your favorite kind of vegan food because I’m hungry and want a snack. Cool?? 

We’ll pick the winners at random at the end of the week, so enter now in the comments below! And enter often! JK just enter once!! (BTW-this is just for the tickets! You have to get yourself to the party and we’re also not responsible for any other eating/drinking you do because the food/drinks are gonna be INSANE.) (Oh, and if you don’t win, you can still get tickets here! And you should! So fun!)