The 6 Best New Vegan Cheeses You Can’t Miss!


Yes yes, you already know that the world of vegan cheese is wider and more beautiful than it’s ever been before. You’ve got your Daiya in all its myriad incarnations, your nachos are automatically slathered in Teese, your fancy dinner guests demand Kite Hill, and you’re scheduling a trip to NYC to celebrate the opening of the Dr. Cow storefront. In our current times of cheese wealth, how could things possibly get any better, you ask? Why, with more cheeses, of course! Here are a few newcomer brands ready to be shoveled into your gob.


You already know Parmela from the very delicious Parmesean-style topping that’s likely been all over your pasta dishes for the last year. The three new spreads—in Kalamata Olive, Black Pepper, and Original flavors—from Parmela are just as rich and umami-packed as their predecessor. Try mixing a dollop of the Black Pepper onto pasta with veggies for a nearly instant and slightly spicy Alfredo.

S+M Vegan Cream Cheese

This one’s a bit of a tease (NY readers, avert your eyes!) since S+M Vegan’s cream cheese is only carried in the Bay Area so far at Republic of V in Berkeley. But, with top-notch ingredients and constant features in drool-inducing photos on S+M’s Facebook page, this bagel-topper might be worth a trip to the East Bay (from wherever you happen to be).

Miyoko’s Kitchen

Remember that time that Artisan Vegan Cheese came out and we all lost our collective minds? It’s happening again. Miyoko Schinner is taking every single away from not having her cheeses in permanent rotation in your fridge by launching a brand new company this summer. Consider the hive appetites whetted. (Creepiest way to say that I’d like to eat this cheese? Maybe!)

Ahimsa Organics

This artisan offering comes from Portland, OR, where it debuted in a pop-up shop at Herbivore Clothing Company, which is to say that it had a super auspicious launch. With offerings including Truffled Brie, IPA, and White Cheddar, Ahimsa is certainly not harming my desire to eat cheese! (Vegan jokes! The best ones!)


Who could have imagined five years ago that so many incarnations of aged nut cheeses were on the horizon? The Vegan Sun line comes in seven flavors including Rosemary, Italian Herbs, and Smoke & Spicy, these small wheels keep on turnin’ (us on to the idea of eating more cheese).

Vtopian Artisan Cheeses (pictured above!)

Oh, so you want fancy fillings in your fancy cheeses? Well fine then! Vtopian might be the most ambitious cheese-makers of the new crop, as their cheddars and bries come stuffed and flavored and topped. Peppercorn brie? Spicy white cheddar? Don’t mind if I do and then do again and again until all the cheeses are in my belly.

Elizabeth Castoria is a vegan cheese enthusiast and the author of How to Be Vegan. Find more at and follow @ecastoria on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.