Restaurant Review: Modern Love Brooklyn!


If you’re anywhere in the vicinity of New York, you’ve probably heard that Modern Love Brooklyn has opened to rave reviews. It’s about time too; we’ve been coveting Modern Love Omaha from afar for far too long.

I was anxious to go and pored over the menu obsessively in preparation.


For an appetizer I knew I had to have the deviled potatoes (roasted yukons, creamy potato filling, arugula, paprika, dill). I don’t know why they called to me; I’ve never even had a deviled egg. I guess, you know, potatoes. This was a phenomenal way to start the meal and rumor has it the recipe is in Isa’s new The Superfun Times Vegan Holiday Cookbook.


Against the protestations of my fellow diners, I chose the root vegetable chickpea korma (rutabaga parsnip coconut curry, persimmon chutney, tofu skewers, green beans, pickled onion) for my entree. What can I say? I often lean more towards vegetable heavy dishes than those showcasing tofu, tempeh, or seitan…not that there’s anything wrong with that. Other than the fact that I forgot to pick the micro cilantro off before mixing my dish (rookie mistake), this was very good.


I love a good drink, but sometimes I’m the designated driver. On those occasions I’m thrilled when there are fun and funky non-alcoholic beverages to choose from and, on this night, MLBK was offering a housemade blackberry vanilla soda that hit the spot.


For dessert, I went for the pumpkin praline cheesecake (graham cracker crust, candied pecans, coconut whip) and it was a rich, dense, tasty selection.

Overall the portions are generous crowd-pleasers; if you are a fan of Isa’s recipes, you’re already a fan of Modern Love.

My favorite thing about MLBK so far is that, although they’ve only been opened a short time, their menu has already changed regularly to reflect the weather/season/mood. In other words, if you could conceivably visit daily, you would not run out of things to try any time soon.

My only complaint is the Instagram un-friendly lighting, which was apparently a conscious choice by restaurateur. One review I read claimed that if the servers notice that you’re trying to photograph something, they come a-running to use their own phone’s flashlights as back-lighting. Well I am here to tell you that is NOT the case. On my visit, the servers (and Isa) were all too busy working and being friendly to take the time to sufficiently manage the brightness my social media presence. All I’m saying is, don’t blame me for these dark, grainy photos- just go and enjoy.
