Product Review: Daiya’s new Alfredo Cheezy Mac!


Ever since I moved to LA, I’ve noticed people getting super pretentious about what I’m eating, and that’s just not my bag, baby. I live right next to a Taco Bell, and let me tell you, that alone makes this lil’ studio of mine my fave place I’ve ever lived. I dig vegan fast food, I like fancy restaurants, I love it all. I want food in front of me all the time, so I learned how to cook and became a professional baker. I’m in restaurants all the time thanks to my career, and though it’s not by any means easy work, the plus is that I get to eat constantly!

The second I got wind of Daiya Foods Cheezy Mac available in Ralph’s, I scurried over straight after work and to my delight, they were in fact on the shelves! I hate crowds; I avoid Expo West like the plague. It turns out every vegan food geek I follow on Instagram has tried it already via Expo West, so once again I’m late to the party (just like everything else in life, but I take public transit.). 


You’re here for a review, I know, I know. Here goes: it was exactly what I expected. It was pricey, and at almost $6 a pop, I will probs only pick it up in the future when it’s on sale, or I’m famished. It’s cheesy, easy to make and tasty. Plus it’s super saucy! No noodle was left dry! I’m so stoked it’s available at a chain grocery store, because that’s a step in the right direction in terms of making vegan food accessible. In San Francisco I lived across the street from Whole Foods and worked right by Rainbow Grocery, but that’s not my life in LA, and also not most other people’s lives. The mac is vegan, soy free, gluten free and organic, which explains the price, but in other respects that drives home the belief that only rich people can be vegan. 


I really appreciated the ease in which this mac can be thrown together as well. The sauce is already in a liquid form, as opposed to Earth Balance brand, which you have to add oil and non-dairy milk to. On the nights I want hot food, am exhausted and have hit up Taco Bell too many times to look myself in the mirror, I’d reach for the Daiya Cheezy Mac without a second thought. 

I haven’t tried the Cheddar flavor, and I’m really interested to do so! The White Cheddar would entice me if not for those weird, sad vegetables in it. I’m mean, they’re normal everyday vegetables, but if I wanted veggies in my mac, OH RIGHT, I NEVER WANT VEGGIES IN MY MAC.* Also, if you own Mayim’s Vegan Table, her cheese sauce, made with Daiya, tastes exactly the same. To make Alfredo sauce, I’d use the mozzarella and the juice of about half a lemon. I don’t mean to dis this mac by saying that! Making it at home would cost about the same, if not a little more than buying this box. I’m blogging, it’s 1am, and I just want you to have all the facts. 

*When I want fake healthy I get a bean burrito made fresco with 15 fire sauce packs. Look, I live in MacArthur Park, there is nothing vegan for me here. Well, Smart and Final does have tofu and that really great hummus with the pine nuts, but they just aren’t open late night. Sorry not sorry.