Kid Licks: Kid-safe nail polish made from fruits and veggies!


Hi friends! I have a fun product to review for you today: edible nail polish! HILAR! So Kid Licks is an organic, vegan line of kid-safe nail polishes and they sent me one of their colors (flavors?) to try for free and give you the low-down. 

Here’s a little descriptor from their site about what makes Kid Licks different:

Ordinary nail polish is full of chemicals you would NOT want your children to ingest, like toluene, formaldehyde and DBP, the “toxic trio.” Even water based polishes and so called “kids’ polishes” are made mostly from acrylic polymers and synthetic pigment. Kid Licks is shaking up the entire industry by presenting the first polishes safe enough to eat.

Kid Licks comes in three colors: Barley Grass GreenSour Carrot Orange, and lastly, Beet Red, which is the one I tried. As you can see below, it doesn’t look like *profesh* nail polish that you’d get at a salon or something, but it does give you a nice vibrant color. 


So of course, I had to taste it! It doesn’t taste good exactly, but that’s not really the point. Because we aren’t trying to ENCOURAGE kids to eat nail polish, right? Just making it safe in case they do. That’s what Kid Licks is for, a nail polish that’s fun for kids and, happily, won’t poison them. YAY DON’T POISON THE KIDLETS!

They’re around $14 a pop, and $35 for all three colors. More expensive than Wet n’ Wild, but again, not made from poison. You can buy them on their site!