Animal News You Can Use: Protect the pigs!


How far farm animals have come! If you didn’t see it, stop reading this email now and go watch Jon Stewart’s eight-minute segment on The Daily Show this week inserting cruelty to pigs squarely into the presidential race. The must-watch segment, focusing on the HSUS-led campaign to ban gestation crates in New Jersey, is truly breath-taking.

Comedy Central isn’t the only outlet taking Gov. Christie to task for his thus-far lack of support for banning gestation crates. Former George W. Bush speechwriter Matthew Scully published a potent National Review commentary yesterday on the same topic.

And speaking of New Jersey, one of the state’s U.S. senators, Cory Booker, announced that he’s going vegan for the rest of the year! He’s in good plant-based company, with more schools than ever working with HSUS to implement Meatless Monday, as discussed in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.

P.S. Video of the week: I’d like to think this is what would happen if my cats ever got to interact with a squirrel…