All About the Election and Animals

In the wake of last week’s historic passage of Massachusetts Question 3, chickens had more good news yesterday, when a federal court threw out the latest challenge to California’s landmark law banning the sale of eggs from battery-caged hens.

And Massachusetts is getting animal-friendlier for all animals: A new law there took effect this week allowing passersby to break into a car if an animal is overheating inside of it.

Quartz has a must-read analysis this week about the farm animal movement’s ascent. There are more people than are named in the story who also deserve credit for that ascent, but regardless it’s a strong narrative about the power of pragmatism. And perhaps nowhere is that promise seen more vividly today than with companies like Memphis Meats—check out its newly launched campaign!

There’s a lot the Obama administration wants to finalize before Trump takes over, and one key rule to protect horses from a hideous cruelty known as “soring” should be at the top of that list. (And speaking of Trump, the man reportedly in the running to be his Interior Secretary is a pro-horse slaughter, pro-puppy mill oil baron.)

In some nicer equine news, here’s a heart-warming story about a horse who met those who rescued him from slaughter. And finally, in some nicer presidential news, did you see that Laura and George Bush just adopted a dog from the SPCA of Texas?

Paul Shapiro
Vice President of Policy
The Humane Society of the United States
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P.S. Video of the week: Who doesn’t enjoy a green smoothie?