Animal News You Can Use: cage-free gets a boost, horses still on hold


With all the talk about border walls this week, a Washington Post story points out that there’s one affected group that’s often ignored in the wall debate: wild animals.

While that debate rages on, horses are on hold with the new administration, as People magazine reports this week. The president’s new team must soon decide if it wants to finalize an Obama regulation to protect them, so please contact the White House about it!

But the big piece of good news this week: Food manufacturing giant Unilever announced it’s now completed its transition to 100{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} cage-free eggs for its Hellmann’s mayo—three years ahead of schedule! The move improves the lives of 1.3 million animals annually.

Finally, how far have plant-based meats come? So far that there’s a now a course entirely about them at UC-Berkeley! The times they are a changing.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President of Policy Engagement
The Humane Society of the United States
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P.S. Video of the week: You’ve got to admit, this makes you see animal fighting in a whole new light…

P.P.S. HSUS’s Kristie Middleton’s new book is now available for pre-order!