Animal News You Can Use: Friday the 13th

It may be Friday the 13th, but what’s really scary is how many taxpayer dollars are flushed down the toilet on cruel and purposeless programs. In a show of true fiscal conservatism, Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) this week blasted a wide array of federal spending, including wasteful animal experiments as well as federal bailouts of the dairy industry.

Some governments elsewhere are getting it right, though: India’s animal welfare movement is on fire! First they banned sales of animal-tested cosmetics, and now exotic animal skins and furs.

And here at home, the Obama administration just cleared new regulations substantially strengthening the rules for animal treatment in the certified organic program. (Currently, organic standards offer very few animal protections.) With just a week left in his presidency, finalization of such a rule would further add to the animal welfare legacy of the outgoing president.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President of Policy Engagement
The Humane Society of the United States
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P.S. Video of the week: This dog appears quite content to help a little bird out.

P.P.S. In honor of MLK day on Monday, this email will end with one of his most important thoughts: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”