May 29th: Party like a healthy mofo at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary!


One of our fave animal sanctuaries is also VEGAN PARTY CENTRAL! On May 29th, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary is hosting Vegan Vitality: A Celebration of Vegan Wellness and Community! Word on the street is tickets are going fast, so get yours asap! The pre-sale price is only 15 buckaroonies. 

Shiz is gonna be LIT!:

Join us for a celebration of vegan wellness and community! With vegan food and treats, books, beauty products and kombucha from over one dozen vendors including:

Ashley AstiBacchanal SauceFor Goodness SakeGone Pie Vegan BakeryKombucha BrooklynMarty’s V BurgerMiss Rachel’s PantryMonk’s MeatsMother Earth StorehouseSatya MagazineThe Bunnoli, and Yeah Dawg!!!

There will be vegan demos and presentations all day, including a demo by our fave vegan cheese maven Rachel Klein of Miss Rachel’s Pantry! Remember when we went there?? She had that killer vegan muenster! Well now you can learn some of her vegan cheese making methods. (And then invite me over for a cheese party!)

There will also be drop-in yoga classes throughout the day. BYOM (bring your own yoga mat). AND there is public transportation available: “a free shuttle will run hourly starting at 11:45am from Prospect Street next to the New Paltz Trailways bus station.” BOOOOM!

Check out all the event details on FB and buy tickets here!