Animal News You Can Use: Great News!


Big news from Brazil this week, where the nation’s largest city
banned both the production and sale of foie gras!

While fattened duck liver is waning in popularity, veggie burgers are on the rise. The

title this week says it all: “Burger King Wants to Make the Veggie Burger a Global Hit.”

Finally, HSUS
filed complaints
this week with the FTC and FDA over a major Costco
egg supplier’s deceptive marketing. Want to tell Costco to lose the cage
Here you go.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
Follow at

P.S. Video of the week: Pig + dog = playtime!

P.P.S. Yesterday marks another full circle around our star for me. Can’t
decide on the perfect gift? Did you know that for free you can “donate”
your Twitter account to help occasionally get the word out about
important farm animal protection
efforts? Here’s the link!