Bowtie Pasta in a Light Bolognese Sauce

Bowtie Pasta in a Light Bolognese #veganI have found my new favorite sauce to eat pasta with. And, guys, it’s a bolognese. A meaty one.

In my pre-vegan days, the only kind of sauce I’d eat when we ate out at an Italian restaurant, or ordered a pizza, was the creamy, cheesy kind that’s still hugging my waist after all these years, no doubt. The tomato sauces and even the bolognese sauces were not for me. I wanted smooth and velvety and all of that without a bit of acidity.

Bowtie Pasta in a Light Bolognese #veganBut this bolognese sauce is the bomb. There are tomatoes in here, but just enough to make your tastebuds feel all spring-y and fresh without overwhelming them. And to make the sauce smoky– because I like me some good old meaty smoke — I added one of my favorite herbs that is always the first to spring up as the weather warms: sage. For some sweetness, I added another spring favorite: mint.

Bowtie Pasta in a Light Bolognese #veganI wanted this to be a meaty sauce, so I used a packet of meatless beef crumbles that I’d bought weeks ago and forgotten all about in the freezer. If you’d rather not use a meat substitute, don’t fret: use a bean, like a great northern bean or a lima bean. Smush it up a little, not a lot, with a potato masher to get the right texture.

It’s been a beautiful week here in the northeast, with sunshine and flowers and short thunderstorms that give a dazzling display of light and sound, water the garden, and then move on. Perfect. I hope all of this goodness sticks around for the weekend. Enjoy it!

Bowtie Pasta in a Light Bolognese #veganBowtie Pasta in a Light Bolognese #vegan


Bowtie Pasta in a Light Bolognese Sauce
Recipe type: Pasta
Cuisine: Italian

  • 1 pound bowtie pasta, cook according to package directions in salted water
  • 1 package beef crumbles (I used Beyond Meat which has about 330 grams per package)
  • 3 tomatoes, pureed
  • 8 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1 pound green beans (I had these really tender beans that I left whole, but cut into smaller pieces if you’d rather)
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh sage
  • 2 tablespoons minced fresh mint
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste

  1. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Add the garlic, stir-fry for a few seconds over medium heat, then add the beef crumbles and some ground black pepper.
  2. Saute, stirring frequently, until the crumbles are warmed through. Add the green beans and stir well to mix.
  3. Add the pureed tomatoes, red pepper flakes, and sage. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until the sauce is quite reduced and the tomato is a few shades darker, about 8-10 minutes.
  4. Mix in the cooked pasta and stir well to mix. Add salt and ground black pepper as needed.
  5. Squeeze in the lemon juice and mix in the mint.
  6. Serve hot.

Nutrition Information
Calories: 314 Fiber: 4.8 grams Protein: 17 grams

Bowtie Pasta in a Light Bolognese #vegan

My honeydew melon Opie expressing his undying love for the pasta.

Bowtie Pasta in a Light Bolognese #vegan

Hungry for more bolognese? Try my slow-cooker Lentil Bolognese, which cooks while you sleep, work, or play!

The post Bowtie Pasta in a Light Bolognese Sauce appeared first on Holy Cow!.