P!nk Would ‘Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur’

P!nk is one of the most talented, hard-working entertainers on the planet, and she also happens to be a true friend to animals.

She recently teamed up with PETA US and photographer Ruven Afanador to make a point: she wants animals to keep their own skin. P!nk is the latest in a long list of celebrities who’d “rather go naked than wear fur”.

PETA Pink Naked Fur Ad ©Ruven Afanador/Corbis


“Animals are the purest spirits in the world. They don’t fake their feelings, and they are the most loyal creatures on Earth. I would like to say I’ve always been fur-free so I could be proud of myself. Unfortunately, I went through a selfish phase and wore fur on a couple of occasions. But I wised up and now boycott fur completely. I wish everyone was forced to learn the horrors that these animals go through for fashion trends. I hope fur wearers get bitten in the ass by the same kind of animal they wear on their back.”

Electrocuted, beaten, drowned, strangled, skinned alive – this is the fate of millions of animals raised for their fur, including foxes, minks, raccoons, rabbits, chinchillas and even cats and dogs. In China, the world’s largest exporter of fur, there are no penalties for abusing animals on fur farms.

For every fur coat, piece of fur trim or fur-lined boot, at least one animal endured pain and died in agony. Join P!nk today and take the pledge to help lead the charge for animals everywhere by living a kinder lifestyle and vowing never to buy fur!

Take the Pledge to Be Fur-Free!

Pledge to be Fur-Free