You guys, there’s a Vegan Drag Karaoke night in NYC. If…

You guys, there’s a Vegan Drag Karaoke night in NYC. If you are within 3,000 miles, you must go immediately. To explain the fun, here’s what guest blogger and brilliant funny lady Laura Yaz has to say:

Attention all people who enjoy things that are fun! 

Honey LaBronx, everyone’s favorite vegan drag queen, is now regularly hosting vegan drag karaoke on the last Monday of each month at Baby Grand. 

What makes this particular karaoke vegan you say? First, did you know that all other karaoke involves animal cruelty? And by animal cruelty I mean innocent humans being forced to listen to drunk straight boys singing Journey. The struggle is real. Second! Baby Grand is totally cool with you bringing in as much food as you want! AS MUCH AS YOU WANT. You could have a potluck meetup or bring in homemade brownies it’s all okay! Or if you’re of the lazier persuasion (insert fist bump of solidarity) you can have food delivered right to your comfy, seated, stunning self at the bar, again, this is all totally cool and allowed. Rock on Baby Grand!

This is basically like Vegan Drinks but with karaoke and a drag queen. Yes we have been reading your diary. 

There is no cover, no drink minimum, and no shame in eating as much as you want! Seriously this night is basically the best thing ever. Oh, and if you are wondering about Honey LaBronx, let me put your mind to ease. That bitch can sing. 

The next drag karaoke night is August 25th, 830pm, so go on out and bring your friends! And tell Honey I sent you cause that queen is always moaning that I never do anything for her. 

Laura Yaz is a standup comedian who went vegan and now hosts the best podcast ever which you can listen to here: