The Oh She Glows Cookbook: It Glows!


I realized not too long ago that I have gotten to the point in my vegan life where when people ask me, “You’re vegan? What do you eat?!” I no longer stammer off a list of foods defensively, but I laugh, truly surprised. It’s probably partly because I have been vegan for so long, and I eat more variety and delicious food than almost all the meat eaters I know. Probably also partly that I love to cook. Also partly that I am surrounded by vegans who are obsessed with food, so we have these INCREDIBLE potlucks. And last – but definitely not least – partly because through my work I come into contact with a lot of vegan bloggers and cookbook authors who are *amazingly* creative and inspiring – lucky me!!

Angela Liddon is one such blogger (and now cookbook author)! Like so many of Angela’s loyal fans, I was chomping at the bit for The Oh She Glows Cookbook  to hit the shelves. I have followed her blog for a number of years, and shared her site with more new vegans and veg-curious friends and acquaintances than I can count. One big reason (besides the gorgeous photos)? I trust her recipes. You know you can make anything she publishes for a dinner party, even for the first time, because it’s gonna be delicious! And how does the book measure up? It doesn’t disappoint. True to Angela’s style, The Oh She Glows Cookbook is beautiful and full of amazing, creative recipes that, as my non-vegan mom said as she was flipping through it for the first time, “would make anyone want to go vegan.”

Walnut Avocado Pear Salad

I think one of my favorite things about this cookbook is that it IS truly inspiring. No matter what your taste – whether a really creative salad gets you going, or it’s those decadent desserts, Angela’s photos will have you drooling by the time you’re finished flipping through the book. And the fun thing? Most of the time the food you make actually LOOKS like the photos in the book! I have made a number of the recipes from this cookbook so far, and safe to say, it’s going to be in the “favorites” section on my cookbook shelf for many years to come.

We are pleased to be featuring one of the recipes from the book (pictured above)  – the Walnut Avocado Pear Salad on the Vegan Mainstream Cookbook Club this week. Join in the conversation about vegan cookbooks, cooking, recipes and more here.
